Directions to the Worland Shooting Complex
Turn North off of US Hwy 20 onto West River Road ( State HWY 433 ). Go .28 mile and turn West on 15 Mile Road. Go .46 mile then turn West on Landfill Road, staying on the paved road go another .59 mile. Turn Northeast onto the gravel road. Go .48 mile and you will be at the front gate to the Worland Shooting Complex.
Turn North off of US Hwy 20 onto West River Road ( State HWY 433 ). Go .28 mile and turn West on 15 Mile Road. Go .46 mile then turn West on Landfill Road, staying on the paved road go another .59 mile. Turn Northeast onto the gravel road. Go .48 mile and you will be at the front gate to the Worland Shooting Complex.
Worland Shooting Complex
PO Box 894
61 Landfill Road
Worland, Wyoming 82401
PO Box 894
61 Landfill Road
Worland, Wyoming 82401
Thank you for your support!