The general rules and guide lines listed in the Standard Operating Procedures apply to the archery range as well as the following:
- The Worland Shooting Complex shall follow the most up to date guidelines, rules, and recommendations of the IFAA & NFAA as applicable to our situation and needs.
- Firearms, including air rifles and pistols shall not be used on the Archery Range.
- Only targets and back stops that are intended for archery will be used. No cans, bottles, or breakable targets.
- Only those personnel authorized by the board of directors will drive vehicles on the archery range. Everyone else will walk, in order to minimize damage to the trails.
- Do not point the bow/arrow at any one, and do not handle or draw bow/arrow while people are down range. (i.e. checking/sitting targets)
- Since “Archery” (Bows & Arrows) are dangerous, and can be used as weapons, all of the basic safety guidelines previously listed for firearms shall apply to archers and the archery Range, as applicable.
- The use of Broad Heads, and Broad Head arrows is forbidden. They are too destructive to the clubs targets.
- Cross Bows are permitted for use “except” on the small animal targets.